About Us
We welcome people from all backgrounds to join as volunteers, participate in activities, courses, programs or just come in for a chat.
The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre promotes harmonious social interaction among the various people who make up Australian society residing within the Newcastle area. We provide a pleasant informal Centre, which is inclusive, non-sectarian, and non-political.
The Centre is located in an urban area where we can maintain the mix of nationalities attending the Centre. Since its inception in 1983 the Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre has always been located in a residential area. Firstly, in Hamilton, Broadmeadow, New Lambton then since 2007 at our current location in Lambton.
vision statement
The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated promotes the education and support of children, young people, individuals and families from non-English speaking backgrounds in reaching their full potential within the community by;
- initiating and participating in social capital ventures
- providing a range of services and programs
- establishing and maintaining networks and working partnerships with local services and agencies
Which enable enhanced community and individual capacity and development.