We are a

Meeting point

for people to celebrate


by learning and sharing


Welcome to the

Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre

The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre is a not for profit Government funded Neighbourhood Centre which caters specifically for the needs of non-English-speaking background people of all ages and is governed by an annually elected community based board of governance. 

Who we are

The Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre, Inc is a not-for-profit organisation funded by Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

Our PROgrams

Click on the button below for more information about the  programs  Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre is currently running.

Our services

The MNC is funded by Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to provide the following information, advice, social participation, community support, and more.

Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre » Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Residents

Come and Join Us!

All activities are freeDonations Accepted.

Information Advice and Referrers
Free English Classes
Free Multicultural Playgroup for 0 – 5 years old children and their parents
Multicultural Youth Projects for 12 to 17yrs old
Multicultural Gardening group
Advocacy and Support
Community Support
Multicultural Services Expo
Opportunities for Volunteers
Workshops on a range of issues that are relevant to the target group.
Social Groups
Meeting Space

Multicultural Neighbourhood Centre is

funded by
